
 One more and we've gotta go


A present day court case will decide the fate of the main character, Mike, who has killed his terminally ill wife, Sarah. As he contemplates the situation, he reflects on his exploits as a computer operator in the late seventies with an unbridled taste for ale, women and popular music. Ironically his former pal and rival in love, Tim, is now the prosecuting barrister.


In particular, Mike recollects key scenes from his stormy relationship with Angie before he settled for Sarah. Back then, the women knew exactly what they wanted and Mike was a willing apprentice. Meanwhile, his dull working environment was enlivened by lads being lads. While new sounds of punk and rock music emanated from pub juke boxes, the works vending machines served up predictable tastes and smells in their instant hot curries.


Has Mike grown up at last or is his behaviour still programmed to punch out the same routines? Things look bleak as he starts to doubt his own defence of 'mercy killing'. The grieving defendant is cautiously surprised when help comes from an unexpected quarter. Mike could be about to discover that his past is inextricably linked with his future.







Texel's Treasure


Klaus is an ex Dutch Special Forces veteran living and working as a farmer on the island of Texel. He receives a summons one spring day to attend a lawyers’ office in Hamburg, the city where his uncle Werner has just died and inherits a shoebox full of old WW2 documents which sets him off on a hunt for hidden treasure. This mid-1990s adventure takes him from the island of Texel into Germany, Denmark and Austria, pursued relentlessly by German and Russian criminals who will stop at nothing to acquire the treasure for themselves. Much blood is spilled in the process. With these enemies intent on foiling his mission, Klaus has to confront them so he can return home to a normal life.







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